About Us


Kakumei Consulting combines emotional intelligence and technical experience to cultivate supportive, dynamic work environments.

Our Mission

We use a people-first approach and DevOps expertise to foster process-based change in companies of all sizes. Our DEFOG approach helps identify problem areas and facilitate solutions, all while empowering you to take ownership over your projects and processes. Not only does this improve team functionality, but also helps to provide consistent, predictable delivery and ultimately revolutionize your workplace

Our Values

  • Evolution: Continual growth is what drives Kakumei. Without evolution, new and better practices cannot be actualized.

  • Engagement: Kakumei puts people first, but this means needing active engagement from both parties (process specialist and client). When everyone gets involved, we can truly uplift each other and enact meaningful change.

  • Empathy: Empathy is at the heart of Kakumei’s approach and how we work. We strive to be emotion-positive in an industry that doesn’t always explicitly address emotional concerns.

  • Purpose: Every aspect of our process is purposeful, and that means every interaction, big or small, matters. With each interaction, we seek to foster deeper understanding and more positive outcomes.

Our Experience

Kakumei Consulting was founded in January 2020 by Chelsea Winfree out of a desire to want to change how people, teams, and businesses work together. Since its inception, she has worked with a ticketing company and a software company. Currently, she manages a team of contractors working with a Fortune 500 power and energy utility company with 20,000+ employees. 

Before founding Kakumei Consulting, Chelsea worked as a business, executive, and project consultant. She engaged with clients such as a large, private electrical company, marketing firms, financial agencies, a software development company, multiple retailers, and a gaming company. Chelsea worked as a project manager at Dell EMC and as a software developer at Rackspace, where she gained experience with DevOps as well as in testing and development. She also managed programs for a DevOps organization supporting the Texas state government.